Re: How to create reports according to the Month
I created something similar but daily. I wanted to use today and 7 days before today in a chart. What you can do is create a table and use a formula like =(MONTH(TODAY()) Then =MONTH(TODAY()+1) For N…1 · -
Re: How to automatically check a parent row when children are checked?
You forgot some parentheses. There should be one after [Column3]@row) Try copying this one below: =IFERROR(IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN([Column3]@row), 1) / COUNT(CHILDREN([Column3]@row)) = 1, 1, 0), 0)1 · -
We need more customized sharing options
More specifically I would like to really control what editors can or can't do. I don't think we have enough options as it stands. In a perfect world, I would like to limit which rows an editor can ch…1 · -
Re: COUNTIFS Formula with multiple criteria including a checkbox
To count the checkbox you wouldn't use "CONTAINS" you would just use 1. So it should be =COUNTIFS({UHG Risk Control Matrix Range 2}, CONTAINS("OWCA1", @cell), {UHG Risk Control Ma…1 ·